Get Help Now:
If you are in immediate danger call 911 immediately.
If you or someone you know is being hit, pushed, verbally and/or sexually assaulted, help is available.
The numbers below can provide information, resources and a listening ear. Call anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Youth / Teen Dating Violence:
Type of Services Offered
Parental Consent?
Qualifying Experiences
Brighter Tomorrows
Individual Counseling, Group Counseling, Family Counseling
Brighter Tomorrows encourages family support. However, youth seeking counseling do not have to obtain parental consent.
Children and adolescents who have been affected by domestic violence and/or dating violence.
English and Spanish
CVC (Crime Victims Center) -Parents for Megan’s Law
Individual Short and Long Term Counseling, Group Counseling, Prevention Education Workshops.
Yes. Intake is completed with parent before meeting with child and counsel child without parent present. Prevention programs are scheduled by schools or community organization leaders.
Children and adolescents who have experienced sexual assault, domestic violence and/or dating violence and any violent crime. Prevention education – conducted in schools, houses of worship, or other youth or community services organizations.
English and Spanish
EAC Child Advocacy Center
Prevention Education Workshops,
Individual TF-CBT Counseling,
Peer Support Groups,
Forensic Medical Exams,
Assistance with OVS Referrals
Up To 18
Depends on the service
Child victims of sexual abuse, assault, trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation
English and Spanish
HerStory Writers Workshop
Memoir based writing workshops for narrative advocacy with a co-occurring result, trauma-informed empowerment.
High School and above
Only needed for writing submitted for anyone under the age of 18.
English and Spanish
L.I. Against Domestic Violence
Short-Term Individual counseling, child support groups, parenting support groups with adequate participation
Yes. If abuser has custody, child will be referred to private therapist or other agencies versed in DV.
Child impacted by Domestic Violence; teens experiencing dating violence.
English; Spanish as needed
Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth (LIGALY) & LGBT Network
Social, Leadership, Empowerment, and Support Groups; Free Counseling and Advocacy Services; Support groups for Parents; Community education.
All Youth
Services are for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth; their Allies; and families.
English and Spanish
Retreat, Inc.
Individual Counseling; Group counseling when appropriate; art and play therapy for children.
Yes. Intake is completed with parent before meeting with child, but we will counsel the children without the parent present.
Witness to domestic violence or direct victim of domestic violence, partner violence, rape and sexual assault.
English and Spanish
SEPA Mujer Inc
Group and Individual counseling. We utilize methods of creative art therapy (art, drama, play) and TF-CBT to engage the population. We also offer Prevention Education workshops. We run the SANE rape crisis centers in hospitals to see child and adolescent victims of rape/sexual assault.
Consent required and parental involvement with therapy is encouraged.
Witness to domestic violence, direct victim of domestic violence, partner violence, rape and sexual assault.
English and Spanish